The end is nigh and
Kramdar is Hungry

When hell is on earth and the plagues are a plenty the only salvation is Kramdar. Make offerings when the moon is highest in the sky to satisfy Kramdar’s appetite - but be warned; If you have nothing to give, Kramdar will take a piece of your life force until nothing is left.


Buy the Game!
Game pieces including board, cards, box, and instruction booklet and figures
A game by Good Lookin Kids Inc.
  • Number of Players

  • Suggested Age

  • Playing Time


How to Play
The Summoning of Kramdar

Frequently Asked Questions

If a brotherhood card is used by a player at the altar, can the player they switch with use a brotherhood card to switch the player back?

Definitely! When developing the game, we called this the ol' "Screw you! No… Screw you!"

Does only the person at play get to take a new card?

Yes, you can only draw a new card when it is your turn. The only time you can’t draw a card is when you are in the Valley of Lost Souls.

What can I do while in the Valley of Lost Souls?

When banished, there are only two things you can do to get out of the Valley of Lost Souls – you can give up one of your sacrifices if available (the sacrifice with the highest value), or you can roll the die. Official rules state that you must roll a 6 to get out, but if you are looking for an easier game-play, we recommend modifying the rule to roll a 4 or higher.

Can I be sent to the altar if I am banished to the valley of lost souls?

Nope. You are banished the brotherhood can not pull you out.

I know that I get banished if I send a player to the altar and they make a successful sacrifice… but what if they play a health card?

You only get punished (banished) if the other player that you sent to the altar makes a successful sacrifice. If they play any special card (brotherhood, health potion or even protection) there is no punishment for the enforcer.

If I successfully get out of the Valley of Lost Souls (by rolling the die or giving up a sacrifice), do I get another action?

Nope, it’s a long way out of the Valley of Lost Souls so you can imagine how tired you would be when you return to join the brotherhood. Returning to the mortal world is your action.

Can I pickup a card while in the Valley of Lost Souls?

Have you been reading the other FAQs? NO! When you’re banished all you should care about is getting out. You cannot draw a card when in the Valley of Lost Souls.

If I have 6 cards in my hand and it’s my turn, do I have to discard a card before I pick up a new one?

Yes, you need to make your decision of what card to discard before drawing a new one.

Is the number of sacrifices to end the game the total number between all players or one player?

The total number is by a single player. So in a two player game, a single player must complete 8 sacrifices, with three players 6 sacrifices and in a 4 player game, 5 sacrifices from a single player.

This means that for example in a 2 player game, Player A can have made 7 sacrifices and Player B made 6… the game doesn’t end until either Player A or B make an 8th sacrifice.

Is the number of sacrifices to end the game the total number between all players or one player?

The total number is by a single player. So in a two player game, a single player must complete 8 sacrifices, with three players 6 sacrifices and in a 4 player game, 5 sacrifices from a single player.

This means that for example in a 2 player game, Player A can have made 7 sacrifices and Player B made 6… the game doesn’t end until either Player A or B make an 8th sacrifice.

Can the Brotherhood card bring a player out of the Valley of Lost Souls?

Seriously? Another question about getting out of the Valley? NO!

*The Summoning of Kramdar is a game of fiction and in no way encourages players to summon demons in real life. If demons do get summoned, it is in no relation to the Summoning of Kramdar or the creators of the game - that's on you dude.

Make Sacrifices
or Be Sacrificed